CALLING: All Pregnant While Working Moms!!! Is anyone else apart of this community? I definitely was. No offense to anyone who didn’t have a 9 to 5 while pregnant, I’m sure it was lovely. I’m speaking to the moms that had to work. The moms that it was necessary. I just want you to know I get how you feel and it’s absolutely okay to work while pregnant.
For me it was necessary that I worked.
I had to work because I needed this money. Kids are expensive and not just after they’re born. I’m talking about from when they start out in the womb and I’m eating everything in sight. Those meals are expensive too. The baby and me had to eat right! So I needed to work. We were in the business of saving and spending. Saving for our future and spending because I was always hungry in my first and second trimester. No really for all the things babies need.
Our lives went from a twosey to a two + 1. Our future was expanding and so our pockets needed to expand along with it. I am a natural-born planner so I like to try to think 10 steps ahead in hopes that when I reach where I ’m going I’m sorta prepared. At least the hope is that I am. My boyfriend, Pop used to be a live by the fly kind of guy but the last few years he started to kick in gear that were not going to be young forever. So we both knew it was necessary to start changing things a bit since our life was changing.
Working While Pregnant Was Crazy!
It’s hard to work while your pregnant. In the beginning it isn’t so bad. Especially when I wasn’t showing, it was just normal, like before I was pregnant.
See my job has certain periods of high intensity. For us, it’s the month of August into early September and December. Thankfully during my pregnancy I would only have to be around for August into September and would be on maternity leave before December. I just needed to make it to my November due date.
The goal was to work as far as I possibly could physically. It is important to not push yourself too hard when your pregnant. Everyone’s pregnancy is different so make sure you do what's best for you! Share on X
My pastor told me
“While pregnant your body can handle any level of stress that your body could handle before pregnancy. But anything over that level is dangerous for you and your baby”.
This line would carry me through my intense working while pregnant period.
I dealt with stressful bosses, stressful co-workers and of course just going through my own emotions from the hormones. Before I was pregnant I received an opportunity to do this big project at work. I was given the role to be the Chair of a regional conference. This region-wide conference that host 500+ people is planned over the course of 8 months, in addition to my regular roles at work. This was one of my biggest opportunities and I was determined for it to be great. I had my own baby and this became my second baby.
Reason’s why I needed to work:
1. I needed money to prepare for our family future. 2. I had just received a huge opportunity at work that would set me up for my career. Do you see a pattern here lol So yes, I did just that. I worked until I was 41 weeks pregnant.
I planned and executed a region-wide conference. Turned out my due date was the day of the conference but I knew my little Pudding wasn’t ready to come out. It was so damn hard! I worked my ass off. So many nights of staying up late. Pop begged me many times to go to sleep or take breaks. I napped during lunch to preserve some energy.
But I needed to do this for myself. I knew that this conference was the last work task that I wanted to complete. Once it was over, my full attention would be on my son and there would be no coming back from him. He would be my world forever.
Bless Pop that dealt with the madness that came along with me while I was pregnant. I am a pretty tough person in general, so at work I have this tough exterior. At home I melted and cried out my stress to my mother or Pop. It’s okay to get it out. It’s necessary.
Working while pregnant is stressful so its okay to let your tears flow It doesn’t make you weak, it makes you strong. You are the strongest being to exist. You're a mom! Share on X. You carry a whole person in your womb for months and then you literally push them out of you. That’s strength! So work ain’t got nothing on you!
Other mom’s told me that it would be hard.
I heard stories from moms about their last trimester, it was tough for them to commute to work. It was hard standing or walking around. The feeling of just wanting to get the baby out of you. They were tired all the time. When I told them or other people I wanted to work till I popped they looked at me crazy. Like what I was saying was impossible. They also told me I would have to give up my conference because I would be too pregnant, tired and out of work by then to host it. These people have no idea who they were talking too.
I completely understood their concerns but my experience was different. I walked, climbed stairs and did squats my whole pregnancy. So at 40 weeks, I ran my conference. I literally was walking around with 3inch block heels and of course took slipper breaks, but I did that! (snap) Pop held my hand the whole day. He knew the conference was important to me, but he knew the safety of our kid was even more important.
It’s Okay to Work While Pregnant because..
- If you need to work because you need money to provide for yourself and your family. Then do what you need to do! Be empowered by your provider skills! You are already on your way to being a great mom!
- If you have time constraints when it comes to being on maternity leave when it is time to do so. I knew for myself that I could have more time with my son if I took off after he was born. The way my job worked, if I took off before giving birth I would have less time after. So working as long as I could was the best decision for me. Speak to your benefits office or HR or whoever at your job. Find out whats best for you.
- Maybe you have an opportunity or project that you want to finish out. If you do and can go as far as you can then do it! As long as your safe then why not do both!
- Ultimately, You have to do what’s best for you. If that means you leave work early because that’s whats best for you and your baby then do that! If you can work up until you have your baby then do that! Be safe, be happy and be comfortable.
For the Win (Conclusion)
Even with all the stuff I’ve said you have to ultimately do whats right for you. Don’t let anyone shame you for your decisions when it comes to your mothering. You should only do what feels right. Don’t let anyone make you feel like what’s for them is for you. What’s for you will always be for you.