
8 Things New Moms Wish They Could Do but Don’t Always Get To

8 Things Mom Wish They Could Do

I don’t know about you but sometimes I get to the end of the day and realize I didn’t even shower or maybe even brush my damn teeth. Aside from the fact that I started my day at 1pm (sometimes 2pm), which freaking sucks. How many times as a Mom have you realized that you didn’t even get to do your basic necessities because your taking care of your baby. Don’t worry you’re not alone. Here is a list of things moms with newborns wish they could do but don’t always get to.

The other day I was talking to my Mom on FaceTime when I realize “Oh My Goodness” I didn’t even get to brush my damn teeth yet. I checked the clock and it was 4pm. I woke up to actually start my day with the baby at 12pm. At first I just felt disgusted. I had already ate a meal and everything. I could literally feel the plaque on my teeth.

Then I thought “Oh Well, my kid can’t really smell my breath anyways. My Mom couldn’t smell my breath over the phone either. I’ll brush my teeth now, before my boyfriend Pop gets home.”

I realized there are so many things we as Moms want to do but don’t always get to. Hey we’re taking care of a whole new human. Damnit who cares! Get to it when you get to it! Please say “Yes!” if you know what I mean.

Here’s my Moms Wish list:

8 Things Mom Wish They Could Do

  1. Bathe/Shower

    Do you remember long showers where the only thing you could hear is the shower running and your own thoughts? Those were the days. Now sometimes you get to shower every other day or your thinking about what you need to do when you get out of the shower. Although you probably had a baby spit up on you multiple times. You need a shower, you want a shower, and you miss a good shower.

  2. Brush Your Teeth

    Man! Sometimes this just slips your mind. You wake up and just get to tending to your baby. Maybe you get up hungry and know you need to eat because you’re breastfeeding. You need energy because your baby needs energy. Shoot you might not even remember if you did or didn’t because your just moving through your day.

  3. Take Your Prenatal/Vitamins

    Damn these vital pills. Before the birth of your kid you had a real schedule you lived by. With a newborn, you don’t always know what your day is going to look like. I literally have to stop what I’m doing and take them as soon as I remember. I say to myself, “Girl, take your damn vitamins right now!”

  4. Eat

    How important is eating? Extremely. It is truly crazy when you look back at your day and you barely had two real meals and a bunch of snacks in between. I try to eat breakfast and then lunch can sometimes be assorted fruits, cereal or some left overs. But I always eat dinner. When your tired from doing too many things, you might choose a nap over food. But you have to eat!

  5. Drink Water

    It is so important to drink water when your breastfeeding. But the gallons of water you used to be able to drink during pregnancy is not the same now. You know you need to drink more but you don’t always get to.

  6. Pee

    Remember at the end of pregnancy when you wanted to use the bathroom every 5 minutes. Now you can go daaaays without peeing lol. I am amazed at how fast my bladder reset itself. That moment when you sit down to feed and your like damn now is when my bladder wants to kick in. It sucks but it happens.

  7. Sleep

    I don’t even have to explain this. Just continue to miss this! Good sleep oh how I miss you so. One day we will meet again.

  8. Me Time

    This comes few and far in between now. That feeling of being you for a moment. Whether that means an uninterrupted nap, sitting on the toilet, shopping trip, or just a moment of silence.

For the Win

Damnit if you don’t do the things you want to get done, it’s okay. It’s understandable to be frustrated on days when you just want to get at least one of these things done. I know I do. Sometimes I’m upset at Pop for not realizing I need help and stepping in. These things are important for my sanity.

Don’t worry, you’re still “Wonder-Mom.” Don’t let anyone make you feel bad about not brushing your teeth till 5pm, not bathing till the next day or anything else for that matter. You know you’re putting your child and maybe even others’ needs before your own.

I encourage you to create a plan with your significant other so that you can have small wins. Trust me it will help. As I am currently breast feeding while writing this post, I did get to brush my teeth and shower today lol. The small wins are ultimately big wins too! Continue being the best you!

Are there other things that you wish you could get to during your day? Have you found ways to get your to-do list done while taking care of your newborn? Tell me, I  want to hear all about it! 


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