
5 Tips to Appreciating Your Significant Other Through New Baby Life

5 Ways To Appreciate Your Significant Other

Remember that handsome guy that has held your hand through all those important moments like pregnancy, birth, and your baby’s first walks? Never forget your significant other is your most important source of strength. Here are some ways to appreciate your significant other through new baby life.

Dads Are the Best! While I was freaking out about all the important doctor appointments we needed to make or how I was going to plan a baby shower while working, and that moment of being in labor, there was always this tall guy holding my hand.

My Significant Other Is My Teammate

5 Ways To Appreciate Your Significant Other

My fiance, Pop and I learned early on that we had to be the best team ever to get through this process of becoming first parents. We made a promise to each other that we would keep our team/family in mind for everything. Although during pregnancy and even right after birth, it does seem like the Mom is the top priority. Don’t get me wrong, Mom is carrying new life and doing this significant role. But it is important to remember that Dad/your significant other is still a vital part of the puzzle.

I couldn’t have done, 9 months of pregnancy and giving birth to my son without my fiancé. He managed my moody and crazy lady personality. Pop physically and mentally supported me through giving birth. He is not only my partner but my best friend. Although sometimes he can make me go nuts, I wouldn’t trade him for anyone else.

It’s important that even though they can drive you crazy at times you MUST appreciate them. Who else is going to? lol Here are some ways to show your significant other love and adornment. (Miguel music playing in the background).

5 Tips to Appreciating Your Significant Other Through New Baby Life

  1. Simple Tell Them You Love Them: You would be surprise how many people can go weeks without actually saying they love their significant other. Sometimes in the busyness of baby you can get caught in that, “well they know I love them” mode. Nothing is better than being actually told “I love you”. And meaning it on a deeper level of love, now that you’ve had this experience together. So do it! Tell them on a regular basis I love and appreciate you.
  2. Give Them A Break: Do you know how hard it is to support a pregnant lady and not knowing exactly how to relate? Its damn tough I imagine. They’re not only going though pregnancy with you but beside you. They may be parenting with you but they don’t have a “Mom’s Way” of doing it. But of course we want them to “just get it” when in most cases they don’t. They will definitely try, but really they won’t “just get it”. So if you can help it, don’t be so harsh. Give them a break.
  3. Appreciate Their Efforts: When they try, clearly state that you appreciate their efforts. Dad’s won’t always do it our way. Trust me. Plenty of times I look at how my fiancé got our son ready to go outside or how he took care of our apartment while watching our son and I said to myself “what the heck went on in here”. I had to remember, they’re both alive, fed and look like they enjoyed their time together, so that is the most important part. I have to appreciate how Pop took the time and effort to dress Pudding the way he thought was best. Or the effort he put into preparing his bottles and baby bag for daycare. I know in my heart he cares so much and its okay if he does it in his “dad way” and not in the way I would have done it. Share on X
  4. Let Them Know You’re Still Into Them: This may sound funny but yes tell them they’re sexy and your still into them. No matter the baby spit-up on their shoulder or the mysterious food stain on their shirt, they’re still hot in your eyes. This can help remind them of the life you once lived priority to baby. It’s a life that still exist within your relationship.
  5. Do Something To Show Your Appreciation: Yes we, Moms love to be appreciated for all the Mom stuff we do. So does Dad. He likes to be shown and told he’s appreciated at times too. So do something nice for your significant other. Surprise them with dinner, take them on a date, go to their favorite bar, or take them to a movie. Drop the kid off at their grandparents. Show your significant other that you love them and your love for them still burns strong in your heart.

For the Win

Appreciating your significant other isn’t hard. It can be easy and take some constant reminding that you’re not alone in how you feel about this new baby life. Enjoy the feeling of companionship through this experience. Remember your significant other needs that too. A old soul once told me Love them hard and continue to work on keeping a solid team relationship.Because one day the kids will grow up and go off into their own lives and you will be stuck with your significant other. Don’t you want them to be your bestfriend still? Share on X

How are you appreciating your significant other? I would love to heard more ways you’re loving your love!

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