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A Mom Interview: Questions I Asked My Mom About Motherhood

Questions I Asked My Mom About Motherhood-From Kiki With Love Blog

If you don’t appreciate your Mom after the experience of having a baby then you’re crazy! My relationship with my Mother went through a crazy transformation. I thought an interview with my Mother would be a good way to help her reflect on her Motherhood. And help me gain insight on her at this stage as well. 

Of course my Mother was excited when she found out I was pregnant. *Honest Moment* She also was a little bit sad that I wasn’t married before getting pregnant. (My mother is a Christian woman to the heart). But she quickly dusted off that thought to tell me that she knew I was pregnant (insert wise old tales or dreams of a fish). From that very moment she jumped into “I’m Going to Be A Grandmother” mode. 

From there we had quite an up and down relationship throughout my pregnancy. I will elaborate more on another post. As we enter Women’s History Month, I began to think of ways to appreciate Moms. I thought Mommy interviews would be a great idea to provide experience. 

Starting with my own Mother. I wanted to focus on her thoughts on Motherhood. Due to her years of experience of raising my brother, myself and helping to raise other children not of her own. And also from all the advice she has given me since I’ve been pregnant.

Sit back and enjoy an insight to Motherhood brought to you by Gigi formally known as my Mother. 

Mom Interview

A Mom Interview: Questions I Asked My Mother About Her Motherhood Experience

Profile: Mother to 2 children: 1 girl, 28yrs, 1 boy 19yrs

(Pregnancy Questions)

What was your first reaction when finding out?

Gigi: “I was both happy and scared at the same time. I was happy to know that I was becoming a mom but I  was also scared because I didn’t know exactly how the mom experience was going to be like for me. I know I wanted a baby, but I didn’t know what I was getting myself into.”

What advice would you give other women about pregnancy?

Gigi: “Everyone pregnancy is not the same, I experience morning sickness. I smelled everything good and bad. And some don’t even know they’re pregnant, you know what I mean. It depends on the individual everybody experience is different. 

My advice would be, whatever experience you’re going through, at the end of the day it will be over in 9 months, ha ha…hopefully a healthy baby at the end of it.

And also get as much rest as you can.” 

(Motherhood Questions)

What is the best part about being a Mom?

Gigi: “To love and care for a baby. Knowing that this is your child and God has given you this gift. Words can’t explain but you just know the abundant love that you have to share with this person is just beautiful.”

Whats a special moment that stands out about each of your children?

Gigi: “A special moment with my daughter, is when my daughter, you gave birth. Being there for her, in the room, watching her push through, showed her strength. And just watching your family grow. That whole experience was special not only for me but for her too. 

“With your brother, it was his father passed away in early August and he was going to college for the first time. In a new state, 3 hours away from home and to see the fact that he was still able to go to school and obtain good grades in a  moment of grief. He did not come back home he stuck out the whole semester and that was a moment that stand out for me with him. That even though he was grieving in a new strange place. He still stood his ground by staying and accomplishing what he was placed there to do.”

What is the one thing you never had that you want for your kids?

Gigi: “A college degree. I started college but wasn’t able to finish it. In fact, I  finished my first semester in college when I found out I was pregnant with my daughter.  Because I became a mom, that became my main focus at the time. And eventually I went back to school, not college, but not that I have any regrets about it either. 

Because I wouldn’t change it if it was to happen again, you know what I ’m saying. But I  wanted my children to have a college degree because I didn’t accomplish that. And the whole experience of living on campus. And to see that my daughter has a college degree and her masters and my son is going into his junior year at school.” 

Thinking about you being a single working Mom, Did you ever wanted to be a stay at home Mom?

Gigi: “Yes I did, that was my desire to be a stay at home mom to raise my kids until they were able to start school at least kindergarten. I really didn’t want them to go to daycare because I don’t think no one else can care for your children like you do, that’s just my opinion.” 

At least you were able to experience that a little with me. I guess you really got to see both sides of it

Gigi: “Yes, with you I was home until you were 3 and with my son went to daycare at 5 months and that was hard.”  

What’s the hardest thing about being a Mom?/What is your biggest fear as a Mother?

Gigi: “The hardest thing about being a mom is when you have to do it by yourself. There are many nights that if a child is in a two parent home at least you can share the duties where as a single parent all the duties fall on you. 

My biggest fear, is when I’ve had to leave my children in the care of a stranger (daycare). Not knowing how they will care for my child the way I would. Also, but how does my child react to being around a strange person as well. With you, I left you with my sister to go to work so I wasn’t worried. With your brother, I  had to go back to work after 5 months and had to leave him at daycare. That was tough.” 

Whats something you miss about the life before children?

Gigi: “I don’t miss anything, because I had fun prior to being a Mom. I went to the movies, parties. I did everything. Everything was out there before I had kids. I was really ready to be a Mom when I had you.”

What was the most difficult part about being a Mom to me when I was younger?

Gigi: “The most difficult part for me was to face the reality that when you were 5 years old, I had to care for you by myself.”

Whats the one thing you would have done differently as a Mom?

Gigi: “Respect the advice of my mother as far as my choices of men in relationships. 

And save more instead of wasting money.”

What is the most rewarding part about being a mother?

Gigi: “The most rewarding part about being a Mom is loving my children and the love they give back to me…in return.” Share on X

Anyone special you’d like to thank for helping you through parenthood?

Gigi: “Yes, I  have two people actually. I would like to thank my mom and my sister. My sister because she was very helpful in every way. She would give me advice. You know some things you can say to your sister you can’t say to your mom. 

She told me to wash your hair even though it was winter because I didn’t know about cradles-cat. I thought I wasn’t suppose to wash your hair because it was cold. And we were close in age. She is only two years younger than me but she had 2 kids before me. She was able to help me a lot. 

My experience from my mother help me to take care of my children. Like whatever she taught me, I was able to use it in caring for my own kids, as far as culture, upbringing and stuff like that.”

Do you think it’s harder to be a mother now or when you were raising me?

Gigi: “I think it’s harder to be a mother right now because of the advancement in technology. There are too many distractions with the smartphones, social media, tv.  I’ve seen Moms having iPads babysit kids. Back then we didn’t have internet or cell phones, facebook, twitter or reality tv and all that stupidness. 

More people are indoors than outdoors. Cellphones are watching kids, or netflix. It is much more of a demand for people to check their emails at home, I didn’t have to do that. When you leave work you were home with your family.

If you could one piece of advice to your younger Mom self, what would it be?

Gigi: “To respect the advice that my mom gave me.

And trust God.”

Whats the best part about being a Grandma/Gigi?

Gigi: “Everything. There is no words to express how grateful I am to God that I am a grandmother. To see another generation in my family. To experience the love and joy of caring for my grandson.” 

Last Moment or thoughts you wanted to share with readers…

Gigi: “Just be grateful to God that you have been given the gift of motherhood and for grandmothers as well.” 

It’s a blessing from God to be a Mother 

Mom Interview

For the Win:

There is nothing like wise words from an experience Mom. I am grateful and appreciative to have the Mother that I have. This interview has not only given me some great jewels (advice) about being a Mom. But it has also given me some great insight into the Mother that has been by my side for all these years. 

I would love to know about your Mothering experience. Who are the women that have given you great Mom advice? How have you reflected on your Motherhood? Have you sat down and spoken to your Mom about Motherhood?

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