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Is it Safe to Send Your Kid to Daycare In A Pandemic?

Is it Safe to Send Your Kid to Daycare?

Is it safe to send your kid to daycare while we’re in a pandemic? There is no right answer to that question. Here are some ways to weigh your options to make the right decision. My kid is in daycare while we’re still in a pandemic and that was the right decision for me.

Dear Mom making a tough decision, 

Can I walk through this daycare decision with you?

I live in Brooklyn, NY. Yes! Brooklyn and NYC were hit pretty hard with COVID in 2020 March. We were basically on fire until about July. My son’s daycare closed down the second week of March via a Sunday email. At the time the world didn’t know what was coming. Fast forward through months of waiting around for things to get sort-of better. We also had to wait for the approval of the Department Of Health for the daycare to open. 

We’ve arrived in August. Yes, this is now 5 months later and the daycare was finally ready to open. Throughout the entire quarantine time, the daycare had bi-weekly parent zoom calls. We discussed all things COVID. Including our feelings and thoughts on transitioning back into a “normal-like” life for our toddlers and babies. 

After many zoom calls and lots of data, we decided going back to daycare would be our choice. I’ll tell you more about how we made that decision later on…

Is the Daycare Being Safe?

Is It Safe to Send Your Kid to Daycare?

Tip 1: Daycare must provide the facts/research/safety measures

Our daycare provided the facts. After months of watching every news out there and reading every freaking New York Times article about COVID, I felt like I could be a damn scientist. The world watched the world learn what this virus could do and ways that we could “stop the spread”. 

With a plan from the governor and mayor, daycares were finally approved to reopen in NYC. My son’s daycare went through the necessary updates of safety protocols. All teachers must wear a face mask at all times and an increase in handwashing. Teachers change their outside clothes for inside ones. Limited classroom and indoor playground sharing. Even asking the kids and staff to bring indoor shoes. On our zoom calls, we now discussed ventilation systems and individualized food packaging. We even received a virtual walkthrough of this new daycare world.

This was a new production. The point of me sharing all this is to say, make sure your daycare has done the research and put in the work. This is not a time for half-ass protocols. Our kid’s lives are in their hands now more than ever so they need to come correct.

Make sure they’re presenting you with their protocols and the details are iron out. Ask questions. Do your own research on other similar daycares that are open and their procedures. Especially, ask what they will do to keep your kid safe, and what they will do if there is a COVID case found in the daycare.

This is the time to be extremely detailed about your questions and concerns. If anything feels like it’s not flushed out, ask more questions and wait for real answers. Are you sensing any red flags when they’re presenting their updated information? Write everything down! 

Especially now, you need to feel comfortable. You get there by having the facts laid out so you can have the full picture of what you and your child will be walking into. 

Are Your Mom’s Needs Being Met?

Tip 2: What are YOUR needs? Work-related? Exhaustion?

Let’s be honest here. Is your child driving you a bit nuts being home all day, especially if you’re trying to work-at-home? My answer was yes! It was cute in the beginning then it started to feel like I was working 3 jobs but all at the same time. 

I had the challenge of working while having to take care of my son and a new puppy. It was more than a challenge. Want to know more about how hard that challenge was and how I had two blow-ups in the process? Read my post on it here: How to Manage Stress in a Pandemic While Being A Mom

It’s not even the slightest bit easy to be a Mom during a pandemic. Although, I enjoyed all the time with my son and watching him literally grow right before my eyes every day. I felt overworked and exhausted by all areas of my life. I needed breaks and a moment to myself. Needed to breathe fresh air and to hear my own thoughts inside my head. More prayers. I had to get my work done. More time for everything. I needed a lot. 

I had to ask myself questions and answer them in a real and honest way. Here are some questions to ask yourself:

  • How is being home with mommy and daddy all day truly having an impact on your son? My answer: He is getting to spend extra time with Mommy and Daddy. Although they’re often distracted by work. + He is missing out on being around kids his age. + His schedule is out the window because it’s so off. + Yes, this stuff is impacting him like crazy.
  • Are there things that daycare truly provided him so that he can continue to develop as a human? My answer: Yes, time with his peers. + Learning and development for his age. + Focused attention for long periods.
  • Are you balancing both Mom-life and work-life? My answer: No, I’m definitely not balanced at all. + I’m a damn chaotic mess.
  • What could you use more so that you can balance your life? My answer: Time. + A mental break.
  • Are you comfortable with daycare watching your son? Do you feel like their procedures are safe? I’ll never be completely comfortable but I’ve got GOD and he will protect my son from harm. 
  • Will you be worrying all day if you send him back to daycare? My answer: Yes, but I think I’ll be okay. I can watch his every move through my daycare app. + I can’t continue to worry when I’ve prayed and ask GOD to protect him during the day. 

Are You Being Honest with Yourself About Daycare?

Tip 3: What are you comfortable with doing?

Do what you’re actually comfortable with. We’ve got one life so don’t play around with it. 

Don’t let anyone tell you what’s best for you. This includes me! Check yourself and see what you’re actually comfortable with doing. If this isn’t it then don’t do it. You don’t want to be worrying all day long about your child. You won’t be able to work anyways and you will be even more stressed out.

Go with what your gut is telling you to do.

Here’s a secret tip: I didn’t send my son back to daycare the first week they opened. I waited for the 3rd week to send him. I figured the two weeks would give a fair shot of the daycare testing out their protocols first. If there were some red flags it would be caught before my son ventured back. 

Is it afe to send your kid to daycare?
My little Potato’s first day back to daycare.

For the Win (conclusion)

Yes, we sent our son back to daycare. We felt it was safe as can be and the need was met on both our end and the daycares. It’s been a success 2 1/2 months of no COVID cases or incidents. Thank God!

Do what you think is best for your child. That’s the most important thing in a time as such. Do your own research. Ask questions. Do what feels right? I know it’s a hard decision to make but if you trust your gut it will be the right decision.

-From Kiki With Love

Tell me how you’re feeling about sending your child back to daycare during a pandemic?

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