
5 Ways to Free Yourself in 2021

5 Ways to Free Yourself in 2021-FKWL

I’m breaking free in 2021. Here’s how…

I’ve learned a lot about myself in 2020. I realized there are so many parts about me that I’ve been hiding. So many things that I’ve allowed to hold me back from growing and achieving. After talking to family, friends, my husband, and really sitting with myself, I know it’s time.

It’s time for me to break free of these things and be who I’ve always meant to be. I know this is something that isn’t easy. I’ve been reaching towards being my most authentic self for the longest time. I’m finally ready to completely let go and be FREE.

Dear Mom who’s ready to be Free,

Here are 5 ways I will be freeing myself in 2021. How about you give it a try?

5 Ways to Free Yourself in 2021-FKWL

1: I’m FREEing myself from feeling content with where my faith and my relationship with God is.

Growing My Relationship with GOD & My Faith

I would be absolutely nothing without HIM. Thank you, God, for everything that you’ve given me. I’m eternally grateful. I’ve been saying it for the longest time; “I want to continue to build my relationship with God.” I did make some improvements in 2020 but I found myself slacking at the end of the year. I know I’m not at the place that I want to be, nor where God wants me to be.

No more talking and dragging my feet. It’s time to get to that place. If I want everything that God has in store for me. I have to be willing to do the work. All things are possible through Him. I know that he will give me the desires of my heart. BUT! I need to do my part as well.

2: I’m FREEing myself of disbelief, uncertainty, and insecurities.

Be Confident

If you don’t believe in yourself, then who will?

I’m tired of downplaying myself and my skills. I’m tired of being modest about what I can do or what I want. I no longer want to be overlooked. I can no longer hold on to all this great content and passion that’s inside of me.

I’m worth it and capable. I’m great. I bring talents to the table. Shoot I am the damn table, come sit with me!

It’s time for me to be bold about the things that move my heart. I’ve got God on my side so there’s nothing to fear. I have to believe in myself, especially if I want others to believe in me. I’m not perfect but confidence is a look that I’m ready to wear. There is no other time like now for me to be confident in myself.


Standing On My Voice

I don’t care if you approve of me, I approve of myself – said, somebody

For a long time, I’ve been fighting the feeling to say what I need to say when I need to say it. I’ve been too worried about what others think. Too concerned with why my thoughts and my way of thinking are so different from everyone else at the table. Screaming on the inside for them to listen to me. Even second thinking if I should say something. Holding my words.

In the last few months, it’s started to sink in. My way of thinking, my voice is different for a reason. I’m not meant to be like everyone else. I can’t be afraid to speak up. I’ve got to STAND on MY VOICE. No matter if someone approves or not.

I’ve got to STAND up for myself, my son, my marriage, my life.

No more worrying more about what others think when I speak. No more shutting up when I’ve got something to stay. I won’t always get it right. Everyone isn’t going to like it but I’ve got myself to answer to.

4: I’m FREEING myself of fear & doubt.

Remove Fear & Doubt

The biggest mistake you can ever make is to be afraid to make mistakes.

I don’t even want to tell you how many times I’ve made the mistake of doing this. Too many to count. Fear and doubt have been on my shoulders since I was little. These horrible twins show up in my everyday life for years. They show up in my motherhood, my marriage, my passions, my friendships. Honestly, the list is too damn long to continue.

They have always been a block in pursuing my wildest dreams. Holding me back from doing things. Blocking me back from exploring. Holding me back from truly living.

I don’t want them to hold me back anymore. I’ve been afraid to try things simply because I’m afraid of what the outcome may be. I don’t want to make a mistake. I don’t want to be wrong. I’m afraid. I tell myself no I’m not ready. I tell myself that I’m not capable of it. When it’s the fear & doubt that’s resting on my mind and my heart.

But why be afraid to simply try? Mistakes are made so we can learn from them. They’re made so we know what we like, what we want, or even what we don’t want. Mistakes are a stepping stone to a life that’s worth living. I know I’m not perfect. I know no one is. So why be afraid to show that?

Doubt tells my mind that I’m not good enough. Tells my mind that I’m not worth it. When I’m the exact opposite. Even if I don’t know what my purpose is yet; I know that I’ve been called for a purpose. I know that I’m enough & worth it. God created me for a reason.

I’m not going to let fear & doubt hold me back anymore.

I’m ready to free myself of these things so that I can try & do. No matter what the outcome is at least I gave it my all. At least I was willing to put it out there. God knows my heart. I”m ready to embrace myself, motherhood, my marriage, my passions, and my life to the fullest extent.

5: I’m FREEING myself of negative speech. Any negative people that may surround me and any negativity in my life.

Removing Negativity From All Areas of My Life

Starting with how I speak to myself, my abilities, and what I’m capable of. No more “I can’t”, “I’m not ready”, “I’m okay”. I’ve got to start feeling myself. It’s okay for me to be me. I can’t let the negativity bring me and my spirit down.

Removing the negativity around me. This includes the people and the conversations that surround me. If you’re not ready to be positive and not sit in negative energy then you’ve got to GO. I’m working on myself. I need the people who will support me to be around for this transition.

Negativity is ugly. It holds us back. Negativity doesn’t produce growth. It doesn’t benefit anyone. There is so much positivity within me that has been drowned by negativity. It’s time to break free. 

For the Win (conclusion)

If you’re looking to break free in 2021, these 5 ways can be a start: 

  1. Faith & relationship with God
  2. Be confident
  3. Stand on your voice
  4. Let go of fear & doubt
  5. Remove negativity from all areas of your life

Remember we’re always in a state of progressing to be the best version of ourselves. Give yourself some grace.

-From Kiki, With Love

I would love to know if you’ve tried these 5 ways. Tell me what other ways can we free ourselves in 2021. 

5 Ways to Free Yourself in 2021-FKWL