
Jazz Spotify Playlist for Nap Time

Jazz Spotify Playlist for Nap Time - FKWL

I have a nap time playlist for you. Are you having trouble putting the little one to sleep? Don’t worry this Jazz playlist is a soothing way for them to rest. 

Dear Mom Getting Ready for Nap Time,

One day, I was pregnant laying in bed with my little one kicking away on my insides, and I had the idea. To turn to my Spotify to find a Jazz playlist and hit play. They say playing music is good for babies when they’re in the womb. 

I thought jazz would be soothing for my baby and relaxing for me as well. It was. The playlist felt calming and the right amount of noise to soothe my little one, even while he was inside. It was soothing for pregnant me too. I started to make it a routine for when I wanted to lay down. 

Since then it’s been a Jazz playlist the entire way. From the womb to the toddler bed. 

Even now when my little Potato is taking a nap, we put our Spotify Jazz Playlist on to get him in the mood. It sets the tone for the room and puts him in the state to sleep. We leave it on in the background at a low volume during the entire nap. He goes to sleep and wakes up to soothing tones. 

It has settled him into his nap way faster. I also think he has had better sleep when the jazz is playing in the background. 

If you want to try something new for your nap time try this.

Here’s a Spotify Jazz Playlist for Nap Time I’ve created for you. Use this if you’re looking for some background music for nap time. Use it if you want some soothing tunes to play for your little bun in the oven. You can use it if you need to put yourself to sleep. Lord knows Moms always need a good nap. 

Enjoy the relax time,

-From Kiki With Love

Spotify Jazz Playlist for Nap Time

Have other ideas to soothe a baby or toddler to sleep? I’d love to hear!