Mom Lifestyle Blog

Have a Newborn? Here’s Great Advice

Have a Newborn? Here's Great Advice-FKWL

As a new mom, you’re running around trying to do everything for your newborn. Your energy is low from trying to keep up. I have one piece of advice that will help you.

Dear New Mom with a Newborn,

Now I know new moms don’t always like to take advice from other people. I was the very same way. I listened to the words of my Mom, women in my family, and friends. But a stranger is a whole other category. So I can understand your hesitation. But, this piece of advice is golden and you will agree with me after this.

Of course, my Jamaican Mom has all the advice and damn near wants to raise me while raising my son. In all the good gems and some old-lady gems, she gave me one piece of great advice as a new Mom with a newborn.

Sleep when your newborn sleeps

This is a fact. It works. It has been tested and proven 1000% accurate. Trust me on this one. Having a newborn is exhausting. You’re in zombie mode for what feels like forever. But the true way to help yourself while in this state is to sleep when they’re sleeping.

You might be like me and think when they’re sleeping it’s a great time for me to do other things. I tried washing dishes, taking a shower, cleaning up the house, and even watching some of my shows. Yes, I know that seems like it makes perfect sense. But this is the one time when that doesn’t work.

I am an extreme multitasker. I was one before my kid came along. For example, I am the girl that watches two tv shows at the same time on two different devices. Yes, that extreme. When my newborn came along I was getting exhausted by trying to do simple things at the same time. I was very confused why I couldn’t.

Have a Newborn? Here's Great Advice-FKWL

It’s great advice your body needs.

As a woman, you change after having a newborn. Your body isn’t ready to jump back into your old life. You have to give yourself some grace. So as I was hitting this wall, feeling defeated my mother came along and told me

I know you want to do a lot of things but you need rest. You need to sleep when the baby sleeps.

It was the advice I needed. Doing too much ultimately hinders you rather than helps you. After waking up every two hours to breastfeed, or changing tons of diapers, or tending to my newborn I felt exhausted. It’s not easy being a New Mom. When the baby fell asleep, I jumped in bed and did the same.

It was very simple advice but it worked. Having shorts naps throughout the day and tons of water (of course) gave me the little energy boost I needed to tend to my newborn. I was also less cranky with my significant other. Although I didn’t get to check off everything on my to-do list, my body got to rest. This was more important now.

I know this isn’t easy to do but it is definitely worth the try.

For the Win (conclusion)

Try sleeping when they sleep and see if it helps.

Have you tried sleeping when they sleep? I would love to know if it has helped you at all.

Do you have another piece of advice that you received as a new mom that was helpful with your newborn? Tell me in the comments below.